AWS Solutions Architect Associate Notes

I passed the Solutions Architect Associate exam in January 2020 with a score of 901. I started off learning by using the ACloudGuru course. While it was a decent introduction that was nicely structured, after completion I took practice exams with Jon Bonso and discovered I was woefully underprepared. I would not rely on the ACloudGuru course alone to get you through the exam.

The best resource by far was the Jon Bonso practice exams which gave detailed explanations of why every possible answer was either right or wrong. Jon Bonso also has cheat sheets for all the possible AWS services that can come up. The combination of the practice exams and cheat sheets made studying so much easier, I couldn’t recommend Jon Bonso enough if you plan to take this exam.

Without further ado here is a link to my notes in Google Docs and in markdown.

Written on March 24, 2020